网际魔幻师Marco Tempest 带领观众在一个活跃的旅程中进入魔术和销售的世界,在探险中找出答案。这个旅程之路的每一步都充满了意想不到的曲折和精辟的见解。Marco利用他作为魔幻大师,幽默大师,和高科技舞台艺术大师的专长创造出一种令人眼花缭乱的演示,让观众体验到从未有过的视觉和感受。这不仅是一场“魔术秀”或销售研讨会,而是一次具有互动,敏锐洞察力和全神贯注的销售和魔术的神奇探险。
当您需要的东西比最新的销售大师在他们的书中分享他或她的精华更多时,Marco Tempest 的“没有幻想”(“Inventing the Impossible”) 将提供给您集娱乐,灵感和见解为一体的完美结合。
Marco 的履历
The Director’s Fellows program is a growing global network that connects the innovation and creativity of the MIT Media Lab with a broad array of leaders to catalyze thought partnership and concrete collaborations.
Magicians do the impossible every day. So does the magicLab. It’s a collaboration between technologists, illusionists and artists. It’s a place where diverse disciplines lead to a shared goal; to discover the technology of tomorrow today. Illusion Augmented Technology allows us to experience the impossible, to immerse ourselves in visionary technologies, prototype the future and engage the public through strong narrative and inspiring storytelling. It’s where magic and science meet.
The Essential Magic Conference is the world’s first web conference for magicians. 33 speakers over 3 days of conference streamed live worldwide. Register to attend today – access passes are limited.
The membership of the World Technology Network is composed of over 1000 scientists, entrepreneurs, financiers, journalists, academics, policymakers, etc., and over 200 organizations/companies, spread out over 60 countries. With the exception of a small number of founding members, they are mostly short-listed Nominees and/or Winners for the World Technology Awards, held annually since 2000. Fellows are those who have been short-listed nominees and/or Winners of the Awards in the individual award categories and are, barring unusual circumstances, elected as WTN Fellows for life. WTN Corporate Members are short-listed nominees or winners of the Awards in the corporate award categories and automatically become members of WTN for one year (re-evaluated on an annual basis for their overall contribution to the network).
Membership can only occur through the annual Awards process, in which individuals and companies are selected via the judgment of the the current WTN Fellows.
Awards and HonorsZH

NEW YORK, NY – October 27, 2011 – Marco Tempest Recognized for “innovative work of the greatest likely long-term significance”
The World Technology Network has announced that Marco Tempest has been named the Winner of the prestigious World Technology Award for Arts, presented by the WTN in association with TIME, Fortune, CNN, Science/AAAS, and Technology Review. The World Technology Awards have been called “the Oscars of the technology world” in part because of their peer-review selection process. (WINNER) joins a roster of organisations and individuals from over 60 countries around the world deemed to be doing the most innovative and impactful work.
The World Technology Awards have been presented by the WTN since 2000, as a way to honor those in 20 different categories of science and technology and related fields doing “the innovative work of the greatest likely long-term significance.” The annual World Technology Awards process is an intensive global one, lasting many months. The Award nominee pool this year was comprised of over 600 nominees
Finalists for the Awards were selected by the WTN Fellows who are eligible to vote for their top five preferences in order from within their own category. The collective preferences of the WTN Fellows determine the Finalists. The Winners were selected from among the Finalists with the input of a select group of prominent Advisors and were announced at the ceremony held in the United Nations Delegates Dining Room on October 26th.
The Advisors for 2011 were:
Ray Kurzweil, inventor/futurist/author
Albert Teich, Senior Policy Advisor, American Association for the Advancement of Science/AAAS
Jason Pontin, Editor/Publisher, Technology Review
Lev Grossman, Senior Writer and book critic, TIME; co-author TIME.com blog “Techland”
Marco Tempest wins the World Magic Award 2009 for Best Contemporary Magic.
We are honored to announce that Marco has been awarded Best Contemporary Magician of 2009 the World Magic Awards. Joining a dozen or so of the world’s top magic acts, Marco performed both his “Aura,” and “Magic Touch,” two of his most popular pieces, for the gathered crowd of A-list celebrities at the Barker Hangar in Santa Monica.
October 10 was the big night and it began with dozens of Hollywood Celebrities arriving on the red carpet. Louis Gossett Jr, Sharon Case, Kristoff St. John, Daniel Goddard and Carolyn Hennessy were among the many stars who participated in the evening’s festivities. Hosts husband and wife team Robert Wagner (‘Austin Powers’) and Jill St John (‘Diamonds Are Forever’) introduced an array of performances from the award winning magicians.
The entire night was presented by the charity ‘Feed The Children’ and will be aired on MyNetwork TV in November in the USA. While exact dates haven’t been announced, the show traditionally airs over the Thanksgiving weekend.

Tannen’s Magic is proud to present their 23rd Louie Award for outstanding achievement in the art of Magic To Marco Tempest on Saturday, January 28th at 12 noon at our store location in New York City.
Tannen’s the worlds leading magic shop since 1925, has decided to award Marco Tempest their prestigious award in consideration of his accomplishments in elevating the art of magic.
Marco’s unique talents and imagination have garnered enthusiastic praise for both live and televised appearances around the globe. His high-definition television series, “The Virtual Magician” currently airs in over 45 markets worldwide An Adventurer, Scientist, Showman, Dreamer and Hero, there’s no one quite like Marco Tempest!
Past “Louie Award”: Recipients:
1 1982 Sydini
2 1983 Dai Vernon
3 1984 Frances & Jay Marshall
4 1985 Harry Blackstone, Jr.
5 1986 Siegfried & Roy
6 1987 Jeff McBride
7 1988 Carl Ballantine
8 1989 The Pendragons
9 1990 Paul Daniels
10 1991 Channing Pollock 1992 (No Award)
11 1993 Harry Anderson
12 1994 Silvan
13 1995 Mark Wilson & Nani Darnell
14 1996 Dick Cavet
15 1997 Harry Lorayne
16 1998 Herb Zarrow
17 1999 Bob Elliot
18 2000 Johnny Thompson
19 2001 Shimada
20 2002 Michael Ammar
21 2003 Andre Kole
22 2004 Criss Angel
23 2005 Marco Tempest
The International Magicians Society named Marco Tempest, New York’s favorite Virtual Magician, for its prestigious Merlin Award 2010 in the category of Best Contemporary Magician. IMS founder Tony Hassini presented the award to Tempest in a special ceremony held on Times Square.
The Merlin Award is to magic what the Oscar is to the movies. In winning the Merlin Awards, Tempest joins a prestigious group, including Harry Blackstone, Doug Henning, Channing Pollack, Siegfried & Roy, Penn & Teller, David Copperfield and Criss Angel.
More on the IMS Merlin Award: The International Magicians Society was founded in 1968 with the fundamental purpose of promoting and preserving the art of magic. The IMS helps to create new magicians, passing the torch to the next generation of magicians. The IMS has over 37’000 members worldwide.
Every three years, the International Magicians Society hosts a banquet dinner, where those magicians who have achieved the highest level in their craft are awarded the coveted Merlin Award.
The voting members begin with approximately one hundred names and narrows down to a handful. The criteria that the voting members consider are talent, showmanship, originality, skills, and above all the rare ability to entertain under any conditions.
In 1994 Marco Tempest was awarded the prestigious “Mandrakes d’Or” the “Oscar de la magie !” from the French Academy of Illusionists.
Keynotes, Plenaries, and select Speaking EngagementsZH
Science Meets Science Fiction!
Presented with the participation of NASA, The Smithsonian magazine’s “Future Is Here” festival features a series of visionary talks on what’s on the horizon in an array of fields before an avid crowd of researchers, industry experts and tech and science enthusiasts.
The Future of StoryTelling is an invitation-only, two-day gathering of technology, media, and communications visionaries from around the world. The summit is designed to put participants in direct contact with the most vital ideas, people, and technologies that are shaping the way we tell stories.
A film producer, a YouTube entertainer and a techno magician will be among reputed speakers at the three-day KL Converge! 2015. According to a statement by the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) yesterday, The Matrix Trilogy producer Andrew Mason, YouTube entertainer Brian Brushwood and techno magician Marco Tempest will share the secret of their success. Tempest is known for his multimedia magic and use of interactive technology, as well as computer graphics and presentations.
KL Converge is an annual conference and exhibition to showcase the power of communications which will focus on improving the digital lifestyles of Malaysians.
WEBSITE www.bfm.my/tech-talk-building-engaging-brand-with-magic-technology-marco-tempest.html
INK Asia brings together leading thinkers from around the world to explore the challenges and opportunities unique to us. The conference highlights innovative thinking across disciplines that is driving Asia’s growth, and the lessons we can learn from each other.
WEBSITE www.inktalks.com/discover/810/marco-tempest-a-magic-show-like-you-ve-never-seen
MIT Media Lab’s Director’s Fellow Marco Tempest was always an enthusiastic magician and manipulator with irrepressible interest in computer generated imagery. Combined with a powerful network of artists, creative and technologists he’s steadily in search of the next mind-blowing performance.
So let yourself be enchanted by his impressive magic tricks which merge the digital and the material world to take you to places you’ve never been before.
Marco Tempest, Cyber Illusionist (EG9)
May, 2015: Marco Tempest shares stunning new technology from the HP Sprout team, along with some magic of his own. Tempest’s imaginative combination of computer-generated imagery, quick-cut video and enthusiastic stage presence has earned him a place in the pantheon of great illusionists.
WEBSITE www.egconf.com/videos/marco-tempest-cyber-illusionist-eg9
How do you become a cyber illusionist? Marco Tempest combines tech and trickery to create amazing deceptions, a feat that has earned him the title. He began his career as a stage magician and manipulator, but his interest in computer-generated imagery led him to incorporate video and digital technology in his work. The result is a new form of contemporary illusion. Tempest is a keen advocate of the open source community, working with artists, writers, and technologists to create new experiences and research the practical uses of illusionary tech. He is a Director’s Fellow at MIT Media, and he continues to perform around the world.
On April 28, as the morning session comes to a close, cyber illusionist and inventor Marco Tempest will perform a cutting edge techno-illusion demonstration. Developed in conjunction with Qualcomm Incorporated and its subsidiaries, the performance combines digital media and magic plus the Qualcomm® Vuforia™ technology to blur the lines between reality and illusion. Throughout the conference day, Qualcomm invites conference attendees to interact with Marco and Vuforia to learn how they can also invent and discover new experiences through Qualcomm® technologies.
The Creativity World Forum is Europe’s biggest conference about entrepreneurial creativity. The 2014 Creativity World Forum was hosted by Flanders DC in the city of Kortrijk. 2800 people from across the globe attended the two-day conference on creativity and innovation.
Speakers such as Daan Roosegaarde, Tom Kelley, Guy Kawasaki, Marco Tempest, Ricardo Semler, Robin Chase etc. inspired entrepreneurs, creatives and business leaders to make creativity happen.
Marco Tempest, Cyber Illusionist (EG8)
May, 2014: Marco Tempest honors audience member Erno Rubik, creator of the Rubik’s Cube, with an impressive trick, sure to put a smile on your face. Tempest’s imaginative combination of computer-generated imagery, quick-cut video and enthusiastic stage presence has earned him a place in the pantheon of great illusionists.
WEBSITE www.egconf.com/videos/marco-tempest-cyber-illusionist-eg8
Marco Tempest uses charming stagecraft to demo EDI, the multi-purpose robot designed to work very closely with humans. Less a magic trick than an intricately choreographed performance, Tempest shows off the robot’s sensing technology, safety features and strength, and makes the case for a closer human-robot relationship. (Okay, there’s a little magic, too.)
WEBSITE www.ted.com/talks/marco_tempest_maybe_the_best_robot_demo_ever

Next Evolution in Communication: What Will Happen?
Given the arise of Jawbone, Google Glass, iWatch, and a whole array of wearable devices, people will soon be able to communicate even faster and more frequently than ever before in an increasingly more connected world. What will be the resulting evolution in human relationships in this new millennium? The following futurists: Entrepreneur, Visionary, CEO of Telepathy Inc. Takahito Iguchi, Techno Illusionist Marco Tempest, art technologist CEO of Ringly Christina Mercando, and Moderator Koichi Yamamoto will tackle this vital question in a discussion that is not to be missed.
“Cómo ha influido la tecnología en la magia?” Mucho, Marco Tempest no es un mago cualquiera: es un ciberilusionista. Combinando ciencia, tecnología y psicología, Tempest realiza trucos sorprendentes en dispositivos electrónicos que dejan impactado al público de La Ciudad de las Ideas.
Marco Tempest es un ciber ilusionista, que combina la magia y la tecnología para producir ilusiones sorprendentes. Comenzó su carrera artística como un mago de escenario y manipulador, ganando muchos premios y estableciendo una reputación internacional como uno de los artistas más singulares del mundo.
Su interés por las imágenes generadas por computadora lo llevó a la incorporación de video y de tecnología digital en su trabajo, y el desarrollo de una nueva forma de ilusión contemporánea. La expansión de Internet y las redes sociales proporcionan más oportunidades de ilusiones digitales y formas de interactuar con el público, y la creación de realidades mágicamente aumentadas. Marco es un gran defensor de la comunidad de código abierto (open source), trabaja con artistas, escritores y técnicos para crear nuevas experiencias e investiga los usos prácticos de la tecnología de la ilusión. Marco continúa su actuación en todo el mundo, es un consultor de medios de comunicación sobre el tema de la magia y de la ilusión, y da conferencias en congresos internacionales sobre la psicología del engaño y el pensamiento creativo. Marco es Miembro de Directores de Media Lab del MIT.
La Ciudad de las Ideas es un Festival Internacional de Mentes Brillantes con sede en la ciudad de Puebla, México. Andrés Roemer, Presidente de Poder Cívico A.C., es el audaz curador del festival.
In a time where disciplines cross-pollinate and technology and creativity are colliding in new and thought-provoking ways, we find ourselves at the brink of another creative revolution.
As part of its conversation on what’s next, Starcom MediaVest Group presents a special TED session, including an original performance developed exclusively for the Festival by Marco Tempest, world-renowned techno-illusionist.
Through digital props and virtual imagery, he uses magic and illusion as tools to explore the future of technology, augmented reality and storytelling. SMG’s Global CEO Laura Desmond sets the stage and Marco follows his performance with a discussion of his techniques with TED’s European Director, Bruno Giussani.
Marco Tempest, Cyber-Illusionist (EG7)
April 2013: Marco Tempest speaks of the classics of illusion, and shares with us his futuristic, cyber-take on card tricks. Tempst’s imaginative combination of computer-generated imagery, quick-cut video and enthusiastic stage presence has earned him a place in the pantheon of great illusionists.
WEBSITE www.egconf.com/videos/marco-tempest-cyber-illusionist-eg7
Focus vs. Distraction addressed the current popular obsession with attention and the coveted commodity of focus. We examine this issue obliquely from the various perspectives of four speakers—an artist, an educator, a neuroscientist, and an illusionist—as well as our salon audience.
Watch the videos from the salon and explore some of these questions: Are we experiencing a crisis in our ability to focus, or just an evolution of the natural skill sets required for the contemporary world? Must focus be jump-started from the outside in the contemporary museum experience? How can the viewer retain a sense of agency and freedom in their approach to a work of art?
The salon took place on 11 December 2012
Marco Tempest talks about the use of illusion as a creative tool and how it can be used to bring seemingly impossible scenarios to life and envisage future technologies. The presentation includes examples of Marco Tempest¹s magical illusion work designed in collaboration with engineers, animators and programmers, discusses the value of open source projects and why illusion is an inviting gateway to social media interactivity.
Equal parts poet and scientist, Swiss-American magician Marco Tempest is always exploring new frontiers. In his intelligent and astounding performances, he blends cutting-edge technology with the showmanship of Harry Houdini. His sophisticated combination of video, music and stage presence has earned him a place in the pantheon of great illusionists.
The suits, numbers and colors in a deck of cards correspond to the seasons, moon cycles and calendar. Marco Tempest straps on augmented reality goggles and does a card trick like you’ve never seen before, weaving a lyrical tale as he deals. (This version fixes a glitch in the original performance, but is otherwise exactly as seen live by the TEDGlobal audience, including the dazzling augmented reality effects.)
WEBSITE www.ted.com/talks/marco_tempest_a_cyber_magic_card_trick_like_no_other

“Best speaker yet at Gulltaggen 2012 is Marco Tempest: Techno-illusionist. His presentation material was at another level than normal business power points. Maybe because he is an awesome magician and an entertainer in world class. Normally magic is based on secrets, but Marco’s magic is based on Open Source Magic and he is spreading the magic of the crowd instead of keeping it secret.” (Source: Detective Marketing)
WEBSITE www.gulltaggen.no/2012/04/26/hva-skjedde-dag-2
WEBSITE www.detectivemarketing.com/awesome-magic-at-gulltaggen-2012
Marco Tempest, Cyber-Illusionist on Nikola Tesla (EG6)
April 2012: Marco Tempest uses pop-up constructions and projection mapping to share with us his enchanting take on Nikola Tesla. Marco Tempest’s imaginative combination of computer-generated imagery, quick-cut video and enthusiastic stage presence has earned him a place in the pantheon of great illusionists.
WEBSITE www.egconf.com/videos/marco-tempest-cyber-illusionist-nikola-tesla-eg6
Marco Tempest, Cyber-Illusionist (EG6)
April: 2012, Marco Tempest uses augmented reality to share a delightful demonstration of magic and storytelling. Marco Tempest’s imaginative combination of computer-generated imagery, quick-cut video and enthusiastic stage presence has earned him a place in the pantheon of great illusionists.
WEBSITE www.egconf.com/videos/marco-tempest-cyber-illusionist-eg6
Marco Tempest spins a beautiful story of what magic is, how it entertains us and how it highlights our humanity — all while working extraordinary illusions with his hands and an augmented reality machine.
WEBSITE www.ted.com/talks/marco_tempest_a_magical_tale_with_augmented_reality
Combining projection mapping and a pop-up book, Marco Tempest tells the visually arresting story of Nikola Tesla — called “the greatest geek who ever lived” — from his triumphant invention of alternating current to his penniless last days.
WEBSITE www.ted.com/talks/marco_tempest_the_electric_rise_and_fall_of_nikola_tesla
Marco Tempest, Cyber Illusionist, Adventurer, Scientist, Dreamer,The Virtual Magician, wows the audience with his show of magic and inspiration. He says, “Believe in your magic. If you do not believe in your own magic, how do you expect other people to believe in you?”
The World Technology Network (WTN) is a global community of the peer-elected individuals (Fellows) and organizations (Corporate Members) in the science and technology world. Through our annual World Technology Awards program, annual World Technology Summit and other high-level gatherings, as well as our new Film Series, we seek to examine the likely implications and possible applications of the broadest range of emerging technologies. We seek to catalyze new relationships among the world’s leading innovators and to provoke action.
WEBSITE library.fora.tv/conference/world_technology_summit_2011
WEBSITE tedxzurich.com/speaker/marco-tempest
We’ve had him at TEDxZurich 2010 already and those who have seen him know why we invited him back for TEDxZurich 2011. He says: “I blend the line between what is incredibly real and what is incredibly not.” We say: “It’s magic.”
Innovators@Google presents: Marco Tempest | Cyber-illusionist
Tuesday, August 16th, 2011
There are some performers whose artistry and craft transcend their genre and inspire the imaginations of millions. Marco Tempest – the world’s first and only “cyber illusionist” – is one such performer. In this dynamic, innovative, technologically-sophisticated presentation, Marco Tempest shares his personal creative journey of creating magic in the digital age. Marco is an innovator who creates his own tools and technologies utilizing computer vision, AR, AI, pattern recognition, robotics and high-speed cameras to present some astonishing examples of modern magic. The presentation at Google NYC delves into the question of why, in a technological age, magic still has the capacity to fool us.
He says: “I blend the line between what is incredibly real and what is incredibly not.”
Using three iPods like magical props, Marco Tempest spins a clever, surprisingly heartfelt meditation on truth and lies, art and emotion.
WEBSITE www.ted.com/talks/marco_tempest_the_magic_of_truth_and_lies_on_ipods
Using sleight-of-hand techniques and charming storytelling, illusionist Marco Tempest brings a jaunty stick figure to life onstage at TEDGlobal.
WEBSITE www.ted.com/talks/marco_tempest_the_augmented_reality_of_techno_magic
Cyber Illusion – Marco Tempest Solo Session
Learn from cyber illusionist Marco Tempest how the art of illusion has advanced in the digital age. This 45 minute presentation explores Marco’s personal creative journey, combining digital technology and the art of magic to develop stunning contemporary illusions. Illustrated with some astonishing examples of modern magic, the presentation delves into the question of why, in a technological age, magic still has the capacity to fool us and how Marco’s approach to creating illusions can be used in many other fields of endeavor.
Is Reality Perceived or Is Perception Reality
Cross-industry Governors dinner with Media, Entertainment & Information Industries and the International Media Council. Augmented reality, mixed reality and other virtual digital displays can revolutionize the way we interact within architectural spaces. Not only can spaces become less “local”, but they can also gain even greater dimension as real-time information is processed through the surroundings to provide visitors with a broader sense of where they are and what they can do.
Marco recently delivered, as a keynote at the World Summit Awards 2011 in Abu Dhabi, his “Mobile Magic for a Digital Age: Using one single phone to reach 26 Million users.” He was joined by respondents Jak Boumans, General Secretary from The European Academy of Digital Media, Netherlands and Anya Sverdlov, Director of Actis Wunderman, Russia.
The World Summit Award (WSA) is a global program that selects and promotes the world’s best e-Content and most innovative ICT applications, offering a worldwide platform for all who value the creative use of ICTs and who are committed to making today’s informational society more inclusive.
WSA implements the UN agenda for the development of the information society and supports specifically the UN Millennium Development Goals of ending poverty, hunger and disease, providing education for all, saving the environment and giving a fair share to women through the use of ICTs.
Marco premiered his latest Projected Augmented Reality piece for stage. A delightful combination of LED tracking for a projected image, interactive drawing on screen techniques, and just a bit of sleight of hand magic, the piece received an enthusiastic response. Telling the story of his own creative process, Marco draws an image on his handheld screen. The image comes to life…and a series of humorous adventures between the performer and his creation begin.
This marked one of Marco’s first live presentations delivered all in Japanese, as well as the debut of the new Projected Augmented Reality performance piece. Click the link to your right to view video!
Marco travels to Tokyo for the first round of the TEDx talks – independently sponsored local versions of the famed TED talks. Miraikan, Japan’s National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation will host the talks, attended by forward-thinking CEO’s, executives and entrepreneurs, scientists, architects and designers from around the globe. The goal is to foster cross communications that will lead to influencing and creating a better, more sustainable future.
The Tokyo TEDx talks are sponsored by Living Dreams, an organization that empowers and enriches orphans in Japan.
WEBSITE tedxtalks.ted.com/video/Marco-Tempest-the-Techno-Illusi
Integrated Marketing and Multi Platform selectsZH
Marco Tempest, Tech Illusionist, performs with Lenovo PHAB Plus!
VIDEO youtu.be/CPmWhvV52Sc?list=PLs18hw3X0NC6RZBLmieOKfHR_sNBfw-C0
Automotive world premiere with glamorous history and fantastic guitar-rock concert: at an impressive gala motoring event attended by around 500 guests from 30 countries, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles today unveiled the new generation T series in Amsterdam.
A cross-generational vehicle presentation, which makes history: 20 different models from every T series to date appear on stage. Flying in onto the screens come photos of contemporary witnesses, celebrities and events from the decades. Music from these vehicle eras fills the air. The final vehicle to appear is the pigeon blue ‘Sofie’ panel van (from 1950), the most valuable and oldest ‘Bulli’ in the possession of Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Classic Cars. A fascinating story begins, told – ranging from the start of the vehicle’s production up to the present day of the T series – in gripping fashion by Marco Tempest, probably the world’s best ‘storyteller’. He also impressively describes why this Transporter presentation is taking place in Amsterdam: it is a homage to Dutch Volkswagen importer Ben Pon. For it is said that with a notepad sketch of the van in 1947 the car dealer gave a key impetus for the vehicle’s creation.
Shortly after this journey through time, the stage is plunged into darkness. Suddenly headlights come on: three new generation T models (Transporter, Caravelle and Multivan) drive onto the stage. From the Multivan Highline step the Chairman of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brand, Dr Eckhard Scholz, and Board Member for Technical Development Hans-Joachim Rothenpieler, who then welcome the guests, including Fanja Pon, granddaughter of the man who provided the inspiration for the camper. She has even brought the famous camper sketch with her to the presentation from Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum. Now, the two directors introduce the sixth generation of the T series. Scholz: “The market demands extremely reliable, variable and individualised vehicles. This is true for the past as well as today. We supply our models in top quality to meet every requirement exactly – for the craft trades, retail trade, service providers, family and recreation. With this sixth generation of the T series, we have succeeded in doing that once again. We create value. See for yourself!”
WEBSITE www.volkswagenag.com/content/vwcorp/info_center/en/news/2015/04/knopfler.html
IWC Schaffhausen and around 800 prominent guests gathered to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the legendary Portugieser watch family at the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie (SIHH) in Geneva. Guests and brand ambassadors who attended the gala evening included movie stars Emily Blunt, Christoph Waltz, Zhou Xun and Moritz Bleibtreu, filmmmaker and screenwriter Marc Forster, sports personalities such as Lewis Hamilton, Nico Rosberg and Luís Figo, supermodels Adriana Lima and Karolina Kurkova and musicians Aloe Blacc, Ronan Keating and Mick Hucknall. The latter was responsible for the evening’s musical highlights after Marco Tempest had transported the guests to the infinite depths of the universe through his high-tech animations.
Up for a challenge? You’ll need to be quick. Watch magician Marco Tempest dazzle with his Nokia Lumia 800 with Windows Phone apps as he goes head to head with an iPhone.
Marco recently visited Japan to produce a series of 72 short magic programs commissioned for the MSN video website.
Feb 27, 2013 – ASUS today opened its press event at Mobile World Congress with technical illusionist Marco Tempest .
Lectures and SeminarsZH
WEBSITE indistinguishablefrom.media.mit.edu/syllabus
MAS.S65: Indistinguishable From… Magic as Interface, Technology, and Tradition
Instructors: Dan Novy, V. Michael Bove, and Marco Tempest
Course Description: (Excerpt)
When Aleister Crowley defined magic as “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will,” he might as easily have been describing technology. In fact, “magic” is still the word we use to encompass the wonders of a new technology before it becomes ubiquitous.
From Neolithic ceremonies to Las Vegas stage shows, “magic” describes a long tradition of using technology, ritual, and performance to create wonder. As 21st century technologists there’s still a lot we can learn from this tradition. Engineering illusions requires close attention to the limits of human perception, disciplined practice of the art of showmanship, and subtle use of the crafts of deception — skills that are just as relevant to contemporary technology demos as they were to 19th century stage illusions.
Further, magic is one of the central metaphors people use to understand the technology we build. From install wizards to voice commands and background daemons, the cultural tropes of magic permeate user interface design. Understanding the traditions and vocabularies behind these tropes can help us produce interfaces that use magic to empower users rather than merely obscuring their function.
With a focus on the creation of functional prototypes and practicing real magical crafts, this class combines theatrical illusion, psychophysics, sleight of hand, machine learning, camouflage, and neuroscience to explore how ideas from ancient magic and modern stage illusion can inform cutting edge technology.
Guest lecturers and representatives of Member companies will contribute to select project critiques. Requires regular reading, discussion, practicing magic tricks, design exercises, weekly assignments and a final project. Students should have at least basic experience with fabrication techniques and/or coding skills.
Select ClientsZH
ASUS Windows 8 Product Launch Event – New York
The event featured a carefully-scripted onstage presentation that combined the company Chairman’s enthusiastic presentation of the products with performances by the world-renowned techno-illusionist Marco Tempest, who wowed the crowd with his interactive virtual magic.
Virtual Magician Marco Tempest creates internet commercials to promote mobile phone, HD TV and washing machine lines for LG.
“It’s always great when we can find such a perfect fit between a client’s products and my magic art,” said Tempest. “For me, a forward looking company like LG is the most fun to work with.”
Qualcomm’s Inventor Lab brings to the forefront the inventors behind the inventions, to inspire and energize creators around capabilities of mobile and connectivity technologies.
A great invention is a thing of beauty, a little like art—and a little like magic.Cyber-illusionist Marco Tempest takes cutting-edge technology and augments it with illusion “to make it do things that it might not quite do yet,” he says.
You’ve seen hocus pocus before, but not like his. Tempest uses old-fashioned legerdemain combined with Qualcomm Vuforia augmented reality (AR) to create magical 3D scenarios.
WEBSITE www.qualcomm.com/news/onq/2015/05/27/invention-art-and-magic
Virtual Magician creates viral videos to promote mobile phone, HD TV and computer product lines for Toshiba.
“It’s cool! What an imaginative idea!” Toshiba TV Manager for North America
After viewing the phenomenal success of Marco’s viral videos on Youtube, Google Video, MSN Japan and other outlets, Toshiba’s marketers enlisted his aid to create special video art that would help them market products in all their key product lines – mobile phones, HD TV and personal computers.
All the videos were shot on location in Japan, and each included both an original magical effect shot using a Toshiba cellphone camera and an HD “making of” the effect video to be used by Toshiba in the marketing of their HD-DVD players at various point of sale locations throughout Japan. In addition to showings at point of sale locations, videos are to be distributed via the internet through the Toshiba mobile portal and on Youtube, LiveVideo, Google video, and the like.
Upon seeing the first videos delivered, Toshiba’s TV Planning Assistant Manager commented: “Somebody from within the company…is obviously in touch with current trends!” Other top Toshiba executives had their own reactions: “”Looks like the new generation is upon us,” and “Did Toshiba think of this?! Unbelievable!” The new videos proved to be a great success, garnering more than 500’000 viewings on the viral video sites.
“It’s always great when we can find such a perfect fit between a client’s products and my magic art,” said Tempest. “For me, a forward looking company like Toshiba is the most fun to work with.”
Television (selects)ZH
Each week “The Next List,” with host Dr. Sanjay Gupta, profiles innovators from all walks of life and all fields of endeavor. This new CNN TV series will explore what makes each of these individuals a non-conformist agent of change.
CNN’s goal is to explore why these innovators are successful — and to take a fun peek into their creative worlds.
These subjects are driving change that will impact our lives — in technology, education, entertainment, the arts and natural sciences. We will explore how their passion, personal history and unique thinking enabled their successes today.
Our first Next Lister is Marco Tempest, a magician who’s so unique he wouldn’t even use that word to describe himself. Instead, he refers to himself as a “cyber-illusionist.” Tempest combines videos, computer graphics and other modern technologies with the ideas of old-world magic.
WEBSITE www.cnn.com/2011/11/15/tech/the-next-list-marco-tempest-part-1/index.html
The Virtual Magician – Television Series – Native HD 1080i60 (6 x 26 Minutes and 2 x 52 Minutes)
The Virtual Magician is a fast-paced, CG-enhanced, “sci-fi meets reality” TV program bringing magic into the 21st Century. Marco Tempest is The Virtual Magician. He’s an award-winning illusionist with a flair for presenting magic in a unique, technology-enhanced setting.
Each episode explores a magical theme in a fun and insightful way through a virtual journey through 3D graphical archives and an expert/historical perspective together with live street magic, special guest magicians and magic secrets revealed.
While technology is a key part of the show’s concept and look, the audience is always aware that no camera tricks or special effects are used in any of Marco’s illusions! So viewers at home get to experience the magic just as if they were there…live!
Japan’s NHK television has commissioned a fourth special from Marco Tempest in less than a year. Tempest and his team recently completed video taping the new special, entitled “Marco Tempest’s Magical New York” in and around New York City.
Previous specials scored 10+ million rations, along with their multiple re-runs, making Tempest one of the best known non-Japanese magicians in Japanese history.
For the new special, Marco not only created and performed, but provide all photography, location support and scripting to wrap up the extensive, 20 location shoot in just 6 days.
With locations including New York landmarks including the top of the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge, FAO Schwartz, Grand Central Station, Central Park and Times Square, among others, the new special includes 30 new original magic routines, and, as Tempest stated, “it promises to be my best TV work yet!”
The new special will air for the first time in Japan on New Years Day.
Marco’s Magic a hit in Korea
“Marco Tempest Amazing Magic Show” aired on May 24th on Korea’s 2nd largest TV network, SBS. The show garnered 9.6% rating, which is very high for the Korean market. It marked the first in a series of television and live appearances planned for Korea by Tempest in partnership with Empire Entertainment Japan, his new production partner for the region. Featured on this first of Marco’s specials for the Korean market were local celebrities MC’d by Lee Kyungkyu. Other guests inlcuded Cho Hyungki, Baek Boram, Kim, Jaewoo, Ahn Moonsook, Ahn Jaehwan. Shot in and around Seoul, the 70-minute special featured many pieces created just for the event. A special “behind the scenes” video shot during the making of the special is released on the LiveVideo.com viral video site. Click below to watch the vblog of Marco’s trip
An Initial Discussion of Timing Considerations Raised During Development of a Magician-Robot Interaction